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CVC Words Intervention Binder

Writer's picture: The Literacy LadyThe Literacy Lady

One of my favorite stages of early literacy is when students learn how to decode and read CVC words! This is when students really learn how to read and for some it when it all takes off! But for some kids, they need a little extra boost.

I LOVE teaching CVC Words! As an interventionist, I think this is the best stage for students. It is when they truly learn how to decode words and READ! Learning how to decode is a challenging skill and it takes practice. I thought I would share with you some of my GO TO resources, activities, worksheets and more.

This resource has over 200 pages of print and ready to go activities. But even better it is a COMPLETE SCOPE AND SEQUENCE! There are six weeks worth of lesson plans with aligned activities and data collection.

Each week students will work on a targeted short vowel. There are warm ups for each lesson and increasingly more challenging activities as the week progresses. There is also a data collection section that allows you as the teacher to progress monitor both informally through observational data and formally using a Weekly CVC One Minute Assessment!

I have organized the scope and sequence based on what I believe are the easiest vowel sounds. Most students know the vowel sound for A because it is the first letter of the alphabet! Then I move on to U because its sounds unique compared to the other letters. I find the E and I are very similar and most students struggle with differentiating these sounds. Therefore, I didn't want to teach them back to back.

Sound Squares:

Before every lesson, students warm up by tapping out the sounds of common CVC words. The most important thing is that students practice words with the same vowel sound. Each week students will only practice words with that weeks targeted vowel sound.

Tap it Out:

Another warm up that I love using with my students is when students "tap out" each word using the letters and dots. This helps students learn how to decode words with accuracy. By saying each letter sound and then blending together students can then apply this skill when they are reading within a book. I use this warm up before every lesson and I find it helps tremendously. These are also in my consonant blend intervention binder and I see how it helps students say EACH and EVERY letter sound!

I Know CVC Words Warm Up:

I love building independence within my students and this warm up is perfect at the small group table, but also as a station! Students tap out the word using dots, then build the word using letter tiles, write the word and finally draw a picture of the word! I laminate these for continual use.

I love to introduce these as a warm up at the small group table, then the following week make them into a station. It is perfect for students to practice vowel sounds they learned in the previous week.

Building CVC Words:

Each day there are a variety of different activities that students complete. On Mondays, students build CVC words with letter tiles. This is a fun and hands on way for students to master CVC words. This helps students will spelling, or encoding, but it also rolls over to their decoding skills too.

Tapping it Out with CVC Words:

Learning how to read words can be tricky. This activity encourages students to say each and every letter sound and then blend the word together. Students can check their work by matching the picture to the word they read. Each week students will practice reading words with the targeted vowel sound.

CVC Picture and Word Memory Match:

What kid doesn't love a good game? Students practice reading CVC words and matching the word to their picture. This can be a simple matching game, or turn it into a memory match! Kids turn all of the cards over and then turn two over at a time. The keep flipping until they get a match. The student with the most matches wins!

Read and Color:

What kid doesn't love to color?!?! This is an easy way to allow your students to color but still stay focused on reading. Students read each CVC word and then find that picture. They color only the pictures of the words they read!

Word Play:

I have loaded this resource with a lot of different BONUS materials. One activity that really challenges my students is word play. Students change one letter at a time and make a new word. This challenges students to think about the beginning, middle, and ending sound. Students can use the pictures for support!

Dab the Correct Short Vowel:

I h As I have said before, my students LOVE the bingo dabbers. I try to use these as often as possible because my students are ALWAYS engaged! Student look at each picture and then dab the correct vowel sound. This is so important because it allows them to isolate the middle sound. They need to hear only the middle sound, this can be very challenging! It is great practice for any student!

Fluency Passages:

Fridays are for data and fluency passages! This is when you get a chance to see if your students are REALLY reading! These passages intertwine CVC words alongside sight words. I love watching my students read these passages because it builds confidence and it gives me a great idea about their progress.

Data Collection:

Data is essential for any teacher. It can be all fun and games but it is for nothing if you do not track data! I track data every day with informal observational notes. I also track formal data every Friday. You can too with this amazing resource! Students read CVC words for one minute. The goal is for students to read more words every week. The best part is that students only read words with the vowel sounds they have already learned! I never expect them to read words with a new vowel sound! This ensures that their weekly words per minute score is valid!

I have found such success with my students using these resources! You can find the entire CVC Reading Intervention Binder at my Teachers Pay Teachers Store Here!

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CVC Word

Intervention Binder





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