So many people loved last week's Friday Freebie that I decided to share another Memory Match game. In this week's Friday Freebie you can grab the Vowel Team Memory Match games I have in the Within Word Stage of the Words Their Way activity pack. Now you will be able to create differentiated stations in your classroom!
In order to truly differentiate in your classroom, I suggest using the Words Their Way Spelling Inventory. Then you can group your students based on their phonics needs. Once you have your groups created you can differentiate centers using my Words Their Way Activity Packs. There are over ONE THOUSAND activities...that is not a typo! I'm totally serious! I created these activities to make my life so much easier and I want to share it with you.

Once you have your groups, you simply create folders for each student based on their level. Then print different activities from each resource pack. Once you print the weekly or bi-weekly activities place the work in the students folders. Then students can work on their differentiated phonics activities throughout the week and you don't need to spend all week planning! I will say some activities need a little prep work, but most do not!
This week's Friday Freebie needs little to no prep work at all! I just print these out and have my students find the matches and glue into their phonics journal. Now that you have both the CVC Memory Match and the Long Vowel Memory Match you can truly differentiate!

You can grab the download below. Or if you're interested in all of the activities in The Words Their Way Within Words Stage click here. Hope that helps! Happy Teaching!